So let's talk about what I want to talk about. Remember the last entry? about my TODO list??? well I've changed it a bit. You see, I've been thinking and noticed that to get the feeling I wanted from a shoot-em-up I need way bigger spaces, like... HUGE SPACES, not just some freaking corridors. So, I'm not saying I'll throw away the level I made but..... I won't be using it for a while.... *sadface*.........
Aaaaaanyways.... ENEMIES! I want to talk about enemies. Remember they where in the TODO list? well, I decided I'm going to work on them now.... and I just did! yay! So here's what I managed to do:
- Health and Mana Bar!!!! Well not such a big deal, but it makes a game look more like a game so much that it's ridiculous! And to be honest I love it <3.
- Mob spawner: I love this thingy, it'll just spawn enemies till you die or just get tired. But that's not the point of it, I just wanted to make one but obviously its objective will be... spawning monsters... reasonably.
- New Enemy! DemonSlime! OMG! it sounds amazing!!!!.... not so exciting I know... It is a pretty basic enemy, it just moves towards the player and hits them when in melee range.
- New Enemy! Orbiter! (Oh God I'm just so good at naming... well not really, I just named it after the special feature it has: Orbiting around the player). It's a funny fact how I got it to Orbit around the player, I was playing around with the Sine function to make it move like... well... the Sine function. And then one thing led to another and BOOM the enemy is now orbiting around the player, wich is not something you can accidentally do... but I apparently did haha! I'm using the DemonSlime's sprite as a placeholder for the time being.
These are the Orbiters, with the DemonSlime's sprite orbiting around the player.
Well thats it for now, I hope I can go a bit faster now that I have more time and hopefully I'll be able to write a few more entries :).
Thanks for reading!
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